Creating video games isn’t easy. Selling them might even be harder. There are more people playing video games now than ever before, but on the flipside it’s never been harder to get your dream noticed in the whirlwind of quality releases. We’ve said this many times before: even the best game ever is bound for failure if nobody knows it exists.
Drumming up support for your title is ever-so important if you decide to brave the storm without publisher support. But there’s so many questions! When do you start building your audience and where can you find them? How do you build a community and reach out to the press (they can be mean!)?
Enter the next game webinar by the lovely people over at Flanders DC, taking place on 27th April at 10 AM. The webinar will be presented by Michiel Verheijdt, Senior Marketing Manager at Good Shepherd Entertainment, a Dutch video game publisher with a heart for quirky indie experiences like Monster Train, The Endless Cylinder, Where The Water Tastes Like Wine, and John Wick Hex. With 20 years of experience in the games industry, he’s in an excellent position to give you pointers on how to survive launching a game on your own and answer all questions you might have on the subject.
The webinar is free for all, but especially relevant for indie studios that have plans to self-publish a video game. Please sign up here and all will be revealed.
While you’re at it, why not take a look at some more articles and tools Flanders DC puts out to help you realise your creative dream. If you decide to sign up with a publisher, it’s nice to know on a basic level what a good publishing agreement looks like (link in Dutch). Taking to Kickstarter? The Crowdfunding Canvas is your friend. Need funds and want to secure a loan? There’s a webinar on that as well. Soak up that knowledge and be inspired to create great stuff!